Monday, December 24, 2012

Don't believe?

Here's the proof Babes.

"And now? Do you believe in Santa-Claus?"

In Me BTW!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Cunt Cleaning

Cunt Cleaning
before Santa's visit

Anyway, I do like 
the arrangement.
As I like to play with time,
I see a "Never ending story" here.

Love also the medieval backgroud.

(Thanks to Aew for the pic)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Santa's top items

For all the good pervs of the year.
I personally asked for a pair of those:
a black and a white, 
I received 34 years ago an Asian one
still very usable.

The delivery service had been improved too.
The packed gift arrives on your door step.
Only Santa still uses the chimney.
He's traditionalist.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

For the best or the worse

That is my question
to Alisha

Monday, December 17, 2012

I have someone in mind

Those who know me
know who is the target.

I choose the pink color
as representative of what he does.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Clitmass time is near

Time to visit churches
and worship
our not so virgin victims

Image by Marc Sainteul

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Clitmass Gift

A perfect gift for
your girl friend, your wife, your mistress,
This solid silver pendant.

Presented during 
"Le Grand Journal'
main news time
at PM 7:30 (Paris time)
on Canal+
(one of the main french TV channel)

Images talk by themselves
but the comment in french 
is absolutely!

Friday, December 07, 2012

Tests and trials

If a woman say that all men are the same,


It was not necessary to try them all!

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Un excellent élève

Pour les lecteurs francophones

 L'institutrice présente à la classe un nouvel élève arrivant du Japon:

les enfants voici un nouvel élève qui s'appelle Sakiro Suzuki
le cours commence. L'institutrice :

 "Bon, voyons qui maîtrise l'histoire de la culture franco-américaine.

Pas un murmure dans la salle. Suzuki lève la main :"Patrick Henry, en 1775 à Philadelphie."
L'institutrice :
"Très bien Suzuki ! 
Suzuki lève la main : "Abraham Lincoln, en 1863 à Washington ."
L'institutrice :
 "Excellent, Suzuki 
Maintenant, qui a dit : "JE VOUS AI COMPRIS"
Suzuki lève la main et dit :" Charles DE GAULLE !"
L'institutrice regarde les élèves et dit : "Honte à vous ! Suzuki est Japonais et il connaît l'histoire française et américaine mieux que vous"
 On entend alors une petite voix au fond de la classe :
 " Allez tous vous faire enculer , connards de Japonais !"
"Qui a dit ça ?" S'insurge l'institutrice
Suzuki lève la main et, sans attendre, dit :
"Général Mc Arthur, 1942, au Canal de Panama et Lee lacocca, 1982, lors de l'assemblée générale de General Motors."
Dans la classe plongée dans le silence, on entend un discret :
 "Y'm'fait vomir..."
L'institutrice hurle : " Qui a dit ça ?"
Et Suzuki répond :
 "George Bush Senior au premier Ministre Tanaka pendant un dîner officiel à Tokyo en 1991."
Un des élèves se lève alors et crie :
 " Pomp'moi l'gland"
Et Suzuki, sans sourciller :
" Bill Clinton à Monica Lewinsky, 1997 dans la salle ovale de la Maison Blanche à Washington et DSK à une femme de chambre du sofitel de New-York 2011"
Un autre élève lui hurle alors :
" Suzuki, espèce de grosse merde !"
Suzuki :
" Valentino Rossi, lors du Grand Prix de Moto en Afrique du Sud en 2002..."
Un autre élève crie plus fort :
" Casse toi pov'con"
Et Suzuki répond :
"Trop facile celle-là, Nicolas SARKOZY au Salon de l'Agriculture 23 février 2008 à Paris à un visiteur peu doué en grammaire"
La salle tombe littéralement dans l'hystérie, l'institutrice perd connaissance, la porte s'ouvre et le directeur de l'école apparaît .
" MERDE, je n'ai encore jamais vu un bordel pareil !"
Et Suzuki :
"Martine Aubry en arrivant à la tête du Parti Socialiste"

Je vous défie de prouver que les citations ne sont pas exactes

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Coin locker?

Clitmass gift season is coming.
It is time to put some money 
in a safe.

All in a Santa Red

Who knows the key number?


I like this way of understanding 
The first ever porn book.

Thanks Andrew for this one.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

50 Shades have taste

a good taste

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Politic and SM

Mistress Angela moving on
After sending her Greek victim to clinic,
now it is the turn of Rajoy.
I'd really like to see François Hollande instead
and why not Ayrault and one or two 
of the most stupid ministers.

Thanks to Nab who is a gold mine
of perverted smiles

Friday, October 19, 2012

And Him when in bad mood

Exactly like this

In a good mood I am today

Lenient and forgiving!

The tape is just to avoid words
that could get on my temper.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Thanks to a friend for that piece of humour.

Monday, October 01, 2012

From Ozuma Kaname

An inspiration for the studio
or we'll wait for the Farm season
next summer/

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Kate in action

At full power not yet tested
but very very hopefull

26 hours at the Farm
with RealTimeBondage friends

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sons of bitches???

In this electorally very active time
all around the world,
the whores reveal the truth.

The whores confirm strongly
that the politicians
our sons

Friday, August 10, 2012

The Holy Bible

A re-post of long.

Easily extendable to all other "holy?" books
Beware! Truth is never good to say.

Sunday, August 05, 2012


A word with a wide range of meanings in french
but in english:
for a plant, it's horny
for nettles, it's stinging
for air, it's bitting
for mustard, it's hot
for sauce, it's spicy
for remarks, it's cutting
for a story, it's spicy
for a detail, it's juicy
for a beauty, it's striking

In this particular case,
all will be true at once Madam!


Nobody prettier

Is there anyone prettier than me?

Thank to IKEA

and to a spanish friend 
who knows females so well.

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A friend is organizing a tour

Of the park and exposition In the korean island of Cheju.
20 artists from art universities show 140 sculptures centered on Sex and Eroticism.

Thanks Nab

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Women loves the shades of colors

Blue? Grey?
50 shades for sure!


By the way the E.L. James book
is by far the top bestseller
on a so short time basis


As a friend of mine says:
"there's nothing left on the shelves of porn shops
and finding a yard length of rope in a DIY store
is a miracle. The cunts buy everything!"

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Happy fire

Hifuri Shinji
Fire is a "of course" thing
in Aso Jinja, Ichinomiya shi
at the feet of the samely named volcano.
Kumamoto Prefecture

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Not royalist... but

but... I like this old Lady

Saturday, June 23, 2012

40 years ago

Delivrance of John Borman

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Birth control

For years it seems that some minority in the states 
are against any abortion.
Why not use birth control instead?

Do it yourself type

Gift wrapping type

Efficient riveted type

Bondaged type

Heavy Metal Banking type

Monday, May 07, 2012

Healthy diet

If you want to live long,
100 years old for example,
Take one a day minimum.

Thanks to Kinkerbelle

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The future of RealTimeBondage?

Roll over Beethoven

For Classic Music Lovers

I appreciate a lot the player's skill

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Vintage Bondage Japan

Nostalgia of the past, 
some not yet really professional binding,
Suggestive more than shocking
in a period when the japanese censors,
pushed by the american puritan 
were looking for the lesser pubic hair
with a magnifying glass and
were calculating how many square inches of skin
were displayed

Friday, April 20, 2012


Shiva and Shakti

With thanks and apology to
I highlacked this image

Shiva and Shakti (temple of Khajuraho, India)

With thanks and apology to
I highlacked this image too
This  to explain the difference between Art and Porn
Porn is: look a movie, 
use the hand not using the brain.
Art is: look a still picture of the movie, 
imagine developments in action,
use the hand or any hole now, later or never.
When I see these images, my imagination run 
in the great plains of eroticism.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Paper archives again... Nostalgia 2

Bamboo is multi purpose in Asia,
not only in Japan.

The way to Nirvanah

If you try 
you go straight to the RealTimeBondage home page.

Just a smile

Friday, April 13, 2012

Censure you can avoid

Google search as well as Yahoo search have filters that disallow viewing adult contents

Concerning Google search:
-start a search (anything no importance), on the right side a small icon (for the settings) appears,
click it and choose search settings. In it you have the filter item, disable it!
Note: you'll have to do it each time you restart your  PC 
if cookies are not enabled permanently

Concerning Yahoo search:
Almost the same but if done well your settings are permanent.
I just advise to check from time to time.


Monday, March 26, 2012

Commuting and Subways

1/ I like the photo 
(thanks to the unknown photograph)
2/ I like the place
3/ I like the girl

Must I ask for more?

Can anyone tell me...

Where is located this gasoline stand?

I don't care the price per gallon!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Light armoured cunt

Anti assault security device.

 The protection of our wives

An equipment needed in every household.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Techie Turtle

Turtle and Google Buzz


Monday, February 27, 2012

Where are my pencils gone?

In the pencil sharpener
as said a friend of mine
some years ago

Morality: Women always put things in place

Thursday, February 23, 2012

In way to Tokyo Disney Land

Children are small angels,
but sometime real Dead weights.
We needed to be creative to have fun 
in spite of them.

A sunday early spring 1988
Yooki was preparing for a day
at Tokyo Disney Land in Urayasu
with some japanese perv friends

I must say that
I'll have an eternal regret to have spoiled 
the pictures I took on and around 
diverse attractions there that day.

Yooki and her cunt had been the target 
of many cameras  long lens. 
(including mine Arrrg!
It has been a very nice scandalous exhibition day, 
no BDSM at all,
at a time Insex did not existed
It seems easy here at home, 

but Yooki was a bit less happy 
when a policeman took her 
to the police station for public indecency. ;)))

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Paper archives... Nostalgia!

I selected these two drawings
within hundreds found in japanese magazines,
including in some women magazines;

More for my feeling of the situations
than for the actions.

More fun here than in classical practices.
I'm always consensual... with myself.

Monday, February 20, 2012

What you all missed

I was working part time
in the commercial division
of a company in Tokyo

Morning. Time to choose my outfit of the day

A pink garter belt.

Seamed black stockings

A blue silk blouse.

Navy blue skirt
and wide black belt

Dark blue medium high heels shoes.

Of course no panty and no bra!

No one, ever guessed that
there was an available vagina,
in spite of a characteristic sea scent 
emanating from the secretary Ms Yooki

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Just in my mind

Flower and Snake 3

Thursday, February 16, 2012

From a japanese Master

I love the tie
I love the tits
I love the pic


I really would like to know:
what's happening under the waterline?

Synchrone swiming competition winners