Saturday, February 03, 2007

French political thoughts

As far as brain is concerned:

Segolene: it's vacuum
Sarkozy: it's too full

"There is a big difference of size between the problem of Segoléne Royal and the small interrogations caused by Nicolas Sarkozy.
-How to reduce the gap???
-Segolene have to give up high heels!"

Segolene is in a difficult position.
The proof?
Some days ago an interview of Jack Lang was necessary and he called the deads and the lives to help her after her remark about Quebec: " De Gaulle (true, but dead and not socialist at all), Miterrand (not true, but dead and Sego is not really in his line), Jospin (not true and politicaly dead), Chirac (not true, alive and laughing) all agree on Quebec freedom.

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