Tuesday, September 01, 2009

"Captive Cunt" with Jade Indica on Infernal Restraints

Captive Cunt.
This first pic was promising but if she is driven

on the roads around the farm,
I feel an unsatisfied need in myself.
Jade as pretty as she can be, is not the next door girl I'd like to see under the paw of the Grizzly
Here is the Grizzly on an historical matress,
The models passes, the matress remains.
Jade's toes tied with electric wire
to that heavy grid is very pleasant but...
the barn is now too clean,
where are the stuff we were used to see around?
Women always put things in order.
The cattle prod here, ready to use
something else there for another day.
In fact Jade's personnality has something
that attracts my full attention:
those long protruding labias.
The last sequence is really a piece of artwork.
This cage fixed on the wall is genial.
Note also the paintings on the left bottom.
Reachable at 3 meters high (maybe more)
with Mr CP.

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otherwise the link will be of no use for you.

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